2024 Solidarity Campaigns

Stand With Maasais in Tanzania

#StandWithMaasais in Tanzania

The indigenous pastoralist communities’ ancestral lands and livelihoods are constantly under threat. In Tanzania, the situation of the Maasai Indigenous Community in Ngorongoro is a perfect example of land rights violations being perpetrated by the state for the benefit of the multi-nationals and investors at the expense of the indigenous peoples.

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Stand Up AGainst Defamation for Human Rights Defender and UDEFEGUA's director Jorge Santos

#StandUpAGainstDefamation for Human Rights Defender and UDEFEGUA's director Jorge Santos

Jorge Santos, from UDEFEGUA – a close ALLIED partner – is facing defamatory remarks that undermine his and UDEFEGUA’s credibility. We urge you to review and please share FrontLine Defenders’ Urgent Appeal and the Statement from Global Witness regarding the alarming situation where defenders are facing severe threats.

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Protect PIACI in the Amazon

#ProtectPIACI in the Amazon

Indigenous peoples in isolation, known as PIACI, within the Kakataibo North and South Indigenous Reserve, are facing escalating threats due to tensions stemming from territory invasion, the opening of illicit roads, forest extraction within the Reserve, and illegal mining.

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Stand With Ogieks in Kenya

#StandWithOgieks in Kenya

The Ogiek Community have endured arbitrary and government-driven forced evictions from their ancestral lands, a practice persisting since before Kenya’s independence. These actions have significantly disrupted their traditional way of life, impeding access to natural resources, education, health services, and justice. In solidarity with the Ogiek, ALLIED calls for immediate action.

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Stand With Saamakans in Suriname

#StandWithSaamakans in Suriname

The Saamaka people in Suriname, Caribbean, confront a crucial battle to safeguard their ancestral land. They need support to protect their territory and advocate for the recognition of their rights. STAND WITH THE SAAMAKA PEOPLE and be a part of securing their future.

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