We acknowledge the threats and obstacles (including human and financial constraints) that prevent defenders and the organizations supporting them from connecting, coordinating, and expanding their impact. We are committed to ensuring that defenders have a voice and the opportunity to inform or participate in all processes and activities that directly or indirectly affect their work and lives.
To achieve this, we have, with direct input from all our members, established a solid coordination team and governance structure tasked with facilitating the coordination of efforts and leveraging synergies between multiple stakeholders, as well as advancing our work to celebrate and support defenders.
Our work is designed with and for defenders. All our activities are developed in collaboration with defenders or through meaningful consultations with members or strategic partners of the ALLIED network. Our working groups and coordination team regularly organize dialogue spaces, peer learning sessions, listening sessions, and strategic meetings. These spaces allow defenders to shape our decisions and processes while also fulfilling our cross-cutting goal of strengthening the skills of both defenders and supporters. Additionally, we establish and facilitate safe spaces for meaningful dialogue and knowledge exchange, ensuring smoother information flows between defenders and supporters.